

I was a butterfly   我是一只蝴蝶   小荷作文网 www.zww.cn A broken wing butterfly   小 荷 作文网 www.zww.cn 一只折了翼的蝴蝶   I only have a wing   我只有一只翅膀   My missing covers my beautiful   我的残缺遮住了我的美丽   My missing cannot be redeemed   我的残缺遮住了我的美丽   Always look up to the sky   总是仰望天空   Look at that beautiful clouds   看着那美丽的云彩   That was once my dreams galloping place   那曾经是我梦想驰骋的地方   But now can only stare   如今却只能凝视   I can't fly   我连低飞都不能   The most basic   这最基本的   I can’t do   我都无法做到   I never was the alien wayward   我永远都是同族中的异类   I never is affected by the object. The irony   我永远都是受嘲讽的对象   I can be silent bowed his head   我只能默默低下头   To give up my dream sky   放弃我梦想的天空   Although I tried all the power   我虽然用尽了所有的力量   But difficult to maintain this life difficult,   却难以维持这一生的艰难   So I only depend on fantasy,   于是我只有靠幻想   Mixing the remaining forces,   和着残存的力量   Hard single wing, flapping   努力地拍打着单翼   Imagine front is the blue sky   想象前方就是蔚蓝的天空   Need not too much effort can have the whole sky   不用太多努力就能拥有整个天空   Hopes and emotion,   寄托与情思   A wisp of throwing to the cool breeze   抛洒到那一缕清风   That remain my figure,   那残留着我的背影   All things only to wind talk   所有的事情只能向风倾诉   As if,   仿佛   This is all my world.   这就是我全部的世界   Oh,sky   哦,天空   I the blue sky   我蔚蓝的天空    

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