五年级作五年级诗歌作文:英语作文【NEW BEDROOM】

五年级作五年级诗歌作文:英语作文【NEW BEDROOM】,第1张

  Lily is happy because she has a new bedroom today.     Her bedroom is white: white bed , white wall and white bookshelf. There are many dolls on her bed . There are very   小荷作文网 www.zww.cn interesting books on the bookshelf . She can see more   小荷作文网 www.zww.cn beautiful flower though the window.  

阿哇教育-瑞文网-经典美文-优美散文-励志正能量实用好文 » 五年级作五年级诗歌作文:英语作文【NEW BEDROOM】




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