五年级作五年级叙事作文:My experience of learning English

五年级作五年级叙事作文:My experience of learning English,第1张

My experience of learning English From my middle school, I like it, but at the same time, I afraid of it to. For the reason that it was a new thing to me, all along, I learn English hard, but I think at that time , I learn English only for the entrance of the examination.  小荷作文网 www.zww.cnUnto recently, I recognized that I learning English not only for the exam, but for improving my English level, such as the spoken English and the writing and the listening. So during my English leaning recently, I trained my writing and listening consciously and I also selected some English course. I did this only for the intent of increasing my English level.  小 荷 作文网 www.zww.cnAll along, I always remember the English words, not only the GET-4 but also the GET-6, as well as the graduate entrance examination. But now I find that I can’t use English perfect. I think the primary reason is that I haven’t combine the English to the practice, so the most important thing I think is to use English more regular. Only do this that can help me improve my English effectively.   ps:此篇作文经家长辅导,少数部分有摘抄!!!!!!

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