五年级作五年级叙事作文:Bunnies`s cradle

五年级作五年级叙事作文:Bunnies`s cradle,第1张

Mrs Rubbit had a big family.The threeyoungest bunnies were born in -in spring,and they still slept in cradles.   “I need three hands to rock them to sieep!”sighed Mrs rabbit,and -the three yougest bunnies began to cry all at once. 小荷作文网 www.zww.cn  Then Mr Rabbit took qut his tool box and a long log.After a while ,-he hadsolved the problem.  小 荷 作文网 www.zww.cn  After a while,he had solevd the probiem.From then on,all was peace and quiet -in the Rabbits'burrow.

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