

Have you seen these seabirds? They are Emperor Penguins. They look very dressed up! The Emperor Penguins are playing and catching fish in the ocean. But what do they do when the wind gets colder? 小荷作文网 www.zww.cn  你见过这些海鸟吗?它们是帝企鹅,它们看起来非常英俊!帝企鹅们有的在海里玩,有的在捉鱼。那么,天气冷的时候,它们做什么呢? 小 荷 作文网 www.zww.cn  “Brr! Winter must be around the corner. We must hurry back to Antarctica!” “Yes, let’s hurry! It is time to lay our egg.” “Oh, I can’t wait to be a father!”   “呜……冬天来了,我们必须得返回南极。”   “是的,我们得快点回去,该生我们的蛋了。”   “噢,我当爸爸都等不及了!”   So, the two Emperor Penguins swim to the frozen shore of Antarctica.   于是,两只帝企鹅游上了南极的一条岸。   The weather is bitterly cold. Father Emperor Penguin finds a shelter under an ice cliff.   天气比较冷,帝企鹅爸爸在一个冰悬崖下找到了一块干燥的地方。   Now, Mother Emperor Penguin lays her egg. “Dear, you did such a good job! Look at our beautiful egg! You worked very hard. Now, head out to sea to eat and rest.”   现在,帝企鹅妈妈在生她的蛋。   “亲爱的,你做的工作很好!看我们美丽的蛋!你工作努力,现在,下海找食物和休息去吧。”   “I am OK. I can stay on shore. I can stay with you and our baby.” “No, you go and rest. I will take care of our egg until you come back.”   “我好着呢,我还能跟你和我们的宝宝呆在岸上。”   “不,你去休息。你回来之前,我会照顾好我们的蛋的。”   It gets colder and colder. So, the father Emperor Penguins huddle together to keep warm. The father Emperor Penguins sit on their eggs for nine long weeks.   天气变得越来越冷。所以,帝企鹅爸爸们需要挨在一起来让自己暖和,帝企鹅爸爸们需要在它们的蛋上坐长长的九个星期。   They carefully balance their eggs on their feet. They make sure their eggs do not touch the ice. They cover their eggs with the skin under their stomachs to keep the eggs warm.   它们小心地把它们的蛋弄到脚上,要保证蛋不碰到冰。它们用胃下面的毛盖住蛋,让蛋暖和。   “Brr! Hey, are you guys OK?” “Brr! Yes, I am doing fine. But it is pretty cold, isn’t it?” “Brr! Yep! And we have one more week to go. Let’s move closer together. Then we can keep warmer.”   “呜……嘿!你们好着吗?”   “呜……我好着呢,但天气很冷,是吧?”   “呜……是的!只剩下一周就能把小企鹅孵化出来了,我们再挨紧一点吧,这样我们就能保暖了。”   “I am getting so hungry! But I cannot leave our family’s egg! It is my job to guard our egg and keep it warm. I hope it survives the harsh winter.”   “我肚子好饿!但我不能丢下我们家的蛋。管好我们的蛋让它温暖是我的工作,我希望它能度过这个严酷的冬天。”   Soon, Mother Emperor Penguin returns. “Thank you, dear. Now, I am strong and rested again. You are very brave! But look how thin you are, now. You have not eaten for eight weeks. Let’s take turns. I can take care of our egg now.”   不久,帝企鹅妈妈回来了:“谢谢你,亲爱的,我现在强壮了,而且又休息过了。你非常勇敢!但现在看看你有多瘦,你已经八个星期没有吃东西了。我们轮流来吧,我现在能照顾我们的蛋了。”   “It is almost time for our egg to hatch, I only have a few days to go. Let me finish my job!” “No, dear. You must eat and rest, now. Our baby will need a strong father to protect him.”   “我们的蛋快孵化了,只剩几天了,让我完成我的任务吧!”   “不,亲爱的,你现在必须去吃东西并去休息。我们的宝宝需要一个强壮的爸爸来保护它。”   “You are right. I will be back, soon.” So, Father Emperor Penguin goes to the ocean.   “你说对了,我不久就回来了。”于是,帝企鹅爸爸下了海。   Finally, the egg begins to open. A fuzzy, grey Emperor Penguin peeps at Mother Emperor Penguin. “Cheep! Cheep!” “Oh, how wonderful! Look at my fuzzy gray chick!”   终于,蛋壳裂开了。一个毛绒绒、灰色的小帝企鹅偷看了一眼帝企鹅妈妈。   “叽叽,叽叽!”   “噢,多好呀!看看我的毛绒绒灰色的小企鹅!”   Father Emperor Penguin returns to see his chick. “Look at our beautiful chick. I am so proud of you!” “Are you strong and rested?”   帝企鹅爸爸回来看它的宝宝。   “看看我们美丽的小企鹅,我真为你自豪!”   “你休息过了吗?现在强壮了吗?”   “Yes, I feel so much better, now. Look what I brought you both from the ocean!” “Squid! My favorite!” “Cheep! Cheep!”   “是的,我现在感觉好多了。看看我从海洋里给你们带回来了什么?”   “鱿鱼!我最喜欢的!”   “叽叽,叽叽!”   Soon, the fuzzy chick is able to swim in the ocean. He looks just like his father! The Emperor Penguin family looks so happy together! Isn’t Father Emperor Penguin great?    不久,毛绒绒的小企鹅已经能在海洋里游泳了,它看起来跟它的爸爸一样!帝企鹅一家看来真高兴,帝企鹅爸爸不是很棒吗?

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