

Maybe we really should not,   in this piece of pure heaven and earth game.   小荷作文网 www.zww.cn Maybe we really should understand what is the exploration of their own.   小荷作文网 www.zww.cn     We have long not a small child,   and we have to grow into adolescents.   The goal of our own,   we the see the so-called people.   We should stop hiding in the eaves,   eaves outside, is a new world.       Stop crying for the friends leave,   you should celebrate her Enjoy.   She has quietly grown up,   and she, although still immature,   and she, although they are still to be friends,   but, you have to do is to remind.       Silently waited at her side,   she understands that they are not alone.   To do their part for her exclusive problem,   it looked at her,   to fly to-day!       Do not cry, do not cry, we do not,   or the best brothers and sisters?   We will always be another reunion.             也许我们真的不适合,        这片友谊泛滥的天地。     也许我们真的不应该,     在这片纯美天地游戏。     也许我们真的该明白,     什么是自己该探索的。         我们早就不是小小孩,     我们再就成长成少年。     我们该有自己的目标,     我们该看清所谓的人。     我们不该再躲在檐下,     檐外,是一片新天地。         别再为朋友的离去哭,     你应该为她尽情庆贺。     她,已经悄然长大了,     她,虽然还是有稚嫩,     她,虽然还是要朋友,     而,你该做的是提醒。         默默地守在她的身旁,     她明白自己不是一人。     为她尽一己之力排忧,     看着她,努力飞向天!         别哭,别哭,我们不,     还是最好的兄弟姐妹?     我们,总会再团聚的。  

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