

Today is Jaly13 th. My family are go to see a cinema. Along the way we are all very excited. I and my borther twittering in the trunk, like two happy birds.  
Soon, got to the cinema. Ticket, and into the shoadow . In this way,an exciting movie began. About the content of the film is:     小荷作文网 www.zww.cn
Three human acquired a large waste trucks. In fact, a large truck is Optimus Prime bike. One man secretly to a car for the Department a call, hope you can get a bonus. The human is in fact a poor inventor, he put the Optimus Prime fixed want to give daughter like tuition. But, eventually, those who bring is some construction team. When the three man be put in a quandary when, to an unknown man. Not informed Optimus Prime exhausted so way to save, but only to save the three people. The became partners. After go through untold hardships, they finally defeated the evil Megatron , success back “seed. ”  
   After watching this movie make me benefit a lot, dad said, this movie is in our China shot. I love this moive.

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