六年级作六年级叙事作文:The Ugly Duckling(2)

六年级作六年级叙事作文:The Ugly Duckling(2),第1张

The Ugly Duckling   Hen:"Oh,you're still there I thought you'd be on the pond by now." 小荷作文网 www.zww.cn  Mother Duck:"It's this last egg,it hasn't come out yet." 小 荷 作文网 www.zww.cn  Hen:"Let me see,well no wender.It looks like a goose egg to me.You'll be here for a long time."   Mother Duck:"Oh dear,I have my five little ducklings to teach to swim.What shall I do?I can't leave it."   Hen:"Aah well,I'll go to well Goose Mother."   (The hen went off.   Goose Mother hrard that one of her eggs was in Mother Duck's nest.   Goose Mother walked up to the nest.)   Goose Mother:"Is it true?Do you have one of my eggs?"   Mother Duck:"I think so."   (They both looked in the nest.)   Goose Mother:"Huh,that's not mine.It looks more like a turkey's egg."              未完待续……

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