六年级作六年级叙事作文:The Paper Umbrella(合写)

六年级作六年级叙事作文:The Paper Umbrella(合写),第1张

Little Mary loved the rain .When it rained ,she could take out her oiled-paper umbrella.It was a beatiful umbrella.There where yellow fishes and blue men and red houses painted on it.   The rain fell on the umbrella and made soft,pattery noises on her umbrella.It seemed as if the blue men and the yellow fisheswere talking to her.The rain was their voices. 小荷作文网 www.zww.cn译文: 小 荷 作文网 www.zww.cn  小玛丽喜欢雨。每当下雨的时侯,她就会拿出她的油纸伞。那是一个美丽的雨伞,上面画着黄色的小鱼,蓝色的小人和红色的小房子。   雨点落到伞上发出柔和的嘀嗒声,就像是蓝色的小人和黄色的小鱼在和她交谈似的。嘀嘀嗒嗒的雨声就像是他们的说话声。

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