

当雪花一次又一次飘过我的面前,当天上云朵悠闲走过,当太阳一次又一次沉入山下,当暮色吞噬了一切亮光,当孤独苍凉穿透永恒。她在静静凝望。  有的人说天空很美丽,“天,像琢磨得非常光滑的蓝宝石,又像织得很精致的蓝缎子,看上去,它好像离你很近,只要一举手就可以摸到一样;它又好像离你很远,怎么也不能接近,蓝莹莹的天空陪衬着雪白的云,煞是好看。” 小荷作文网 www.zww.cn 也有的人说冬天的雪很美,元稹有句诗写过“才见岭头云似盖,已惊岩下雪如尘;千峰笋石千株玉,万树松罗万朵云。” 小 荷 作文网 www.zww.cn …。. 我想,在寻梦里回想;  我想,到遥远的国度寻觅;  我想,在梦里梦到她。   译文:  When snow drifts again in front of me on that day, when the sun leisurely clouds sank down again, when the light and devoured all through eternal desolation meijian aloneness. She looked on. Some people say the sky is beautiful, "days, like polished very smooth, like the sapphire blue very delicate weave, it looks like, satin, as long as you are near a hand can touch; and as far away from you, how can close, LanYingYing sky foil wears white cloud, evil spirit it is good-looking." And some people said the snow in winter is very beautiful, have written poem yuan only saw "the cloud cover, the likelihood has surprised rock dust; feng snow like bamboo shoots stoneThousands strains WanShuSong jade, luo million cloud". … I think, in the back of their dreams, I want to seek to distant countries, I think I dreamed of her.

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