初一作文初一叙事作文:Think of MayDay

初一作文初一叙事作文:Think of MayDay,第1张

ThinkofMayDay  As we all knowMayDay is nationallegal holiday.On MayDay people have seven days off work. Is it necessary?  Personal speaking,I agree with is. I think the seven—day vacation is significant. In modern times ,people always busy with their work or study. They maybe boring just want to relax or change the lifestyly for several days. By the way,they can stay with their children or other relatives to talk face to face and enjoy the family reunion.During that,they can build better fa—mily relationship.After the holiday they can work or study more effectively. Additionally,some people can make a plan to visit some famous resorts.That maybe their dreams.That can widen their eyesight and learn more.It is a important way to enjoy themslves.You know,MayDay is always a busy tourist time. In this way,the tourism develope rapidly and bring in larger market in other fields. Certainly,it can promote national and international econimic growth.prehaps,you will say the guiders and police are so occupied with their work. They have no time to have a break.is it unfair?No,it is a good apportunity to show them selves and stand out the value.It is proud to serve people.As for social security,what more essential is to rouse people's awareness of the importanceof peaceful society.All in all,May Day make our life more holiday and plentiful? Do you think so?  As a college stdent,how to spent the holiday?Students have many plans about the seven days.Are they mcluding study?Yes or no? I think we should spent it wisly.Of course,we can go to other places or colleges to relax ourselves and communitate with other friends to get more information about study or living. During that time,we can improve ourselves.If you hometown is not too far you can go home to visit your parents and help them in some way.Another way to make the most use of MayDay is to find a job to practice ourselves.It will earn some money and more important is perience.Let us know how difficult to make money.It is preparetation for you to get a good job after graduation.Touch society,learn more about it can make us more perfeat. On the other hand,we shouldn't forget our study.we needn't spent all the time to learn but we must continue study according to auselves needs.If you are pllr in lertain subject.You can pay all of you affention to it,maybe it is chance to make up it.As a student,study is more important thoin anything—else.  How will you spent it? I hope you have a grand time on MayDay.

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