初一作文初一状物作文:Facts about elephant(关于大象的知识)

初一作文初一状物作文:Facts about elephant(关于大象的知识),第1张

Facts about elephant (关于大象的知识)   Do you know what biggest living animals on land are? The answer to this question is elephant. There are two kinds of elephants. They are African elephants and Indian elephants. Elephants always eat a lot –100- -1000 pounds of grass about one day. Elephants can live up to 60-70 years .There are no bones in the back of its feet ,only flat .Isn’t it amazing ?It is also interesting to know that elephants walk on tiptoe ,so they walk quietly as well as cats .Maybe you know elephants’ trucks are very expensive . Hunters kill them to get trucks. 小荷作文网 www.zww.cn  译文:你知道在陆地上谁是最大的动物吗?这个问题的答案是:大象。大象有两种品种,一种是美洲象,另一种则是印度象。大象每天都要吃下100至1000磅的青草。大象能活60-70岁。在它们的脚中没有一块骨头,只有脂肪。这难道不使人惊奇吗?同样有趣的还有大象用脚趾走路,所以它们走起路来象猫一样轻。也许你了解大象的象牙很值钱,猎人们为了取得象牙而杀死大象。 小 荷 作文网 www.zww.cn

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