初一作文初一小说作文:My vampire friend(5)

初一作文初一小说作文:My vampire friend(5),第1张

Chapter 5   I lay in bed, awake. Images of Katlin keep invading my mind. The way she smiles and flirts made me sick. Helen didn’t even take notice, what a naive girl! I’ve got to do something, to get things back to normal again. All this madness started from me, I should have never agreed to hang with Katlin, not to mention pulling Helen all inside. And now Helen has to suffer the consequences. I’m supposed to trust Todd, I know. What really gets to my hair is Katlin is hard to deal with. She’ll never give up unless she gets it.   小荷作文网 www.zww.cn   I could no longer remain still, it was nearly mid-night. But I decided to warn Todd. So I tip-toed to my study and picked up the phone carefully and dialed the number.   小 荷 作文网 www.zww.cn   “Hello? This is katlin.” Her snotty voice could be heard over the phone. I was really freaked out by this. It’s Todd whom I called, when did Katlin get in the picture.     “I thought this was Todd’s cell-phone.” My voice was getting all funny and chocked up. “What are you doing there?”     “We are in the pub, just having some drink. I didn’t know he was so alcohol allergic and he is right now too drunk to answer the phone.” Words stroke me unexpectedly.     What?! Todd and Katlin…in a pub, getting drunk? I couldn’t believe my ears. In some way or other, it wasn’t as shocking as it seemed. I was aware of this. When I was just about to say something…     “Don’t tell Helen about it. Don’t you dare.” She warned     Was that a threat or something?     “Oh, what if I do TELL HER?” I wanted to chop her into three pieces and boil her in the kettle. I never buy threats, especially from bitches like Katlin.     “What good will it do to you by ruining my plan?” She snapped. As I thought, she does have a plan on stealing Todd.     “What plan? The plan on stealing Todd?” I snapped back. Then she told me ‘Steal’ wasn’t the word she would use. “Well, how about rob then?” I laughed at her with despise.     “Do you know what happens to people against my will?” She asked coldly. Another ridiculous threat.     “Nothing was the word you are looking for. Just nothing. Plain nothing.”I hope all these quarrels would stop. I can’t even control my nerves from blowing up.     “You are a smart ass. You know what will happen to people who get in to my way. Remember how Emma got expelled from school, how Richard earned eleven stitches on his face? That was the slightest punishments. You don’t want troubles like that, do you?”      

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