初一作文初一叙事作文:The thief(一个小偷的故事)

初一作文初一叙事作文:The thief(一个小偷的故事),第1张

Last year my mother and I went to the HuaGuoShan Park.Suddenly the woman said:"He stole my purse!"The policeman saw that.Quickly ran."Wait!"Said the policeman.Then the thief ranning quickly too.   My mother picked up the phone and quickly dialled 110. 小荷作文网 www.zww.cn  "I want to report a theft.A man stole a purse from a tourist.He's in HuaGuoShan Park now.Please meet it on the other side of the river." 小 荷 作文网 www.zww.cn  A moment later.We saw some policeman standing round the thief.He was in handcuffs.   "Thank you!"said the woman."That all right."said my mother.   In that day I was very happy.

阿哇教育-瑞文网-经典美文-优美散文-励志正能量实用好文 » 初一作文初一叙事作文:The thief(一个小偷的故事)




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