初一作文初一叙事作文:I like livng piace

初一作文初一叙事作文:I like livng piace,第1张

l like  livng  place       Some  people like  livng  in the city  Some  people enjoy 小荷作文网 www.zww.cnlivng in the suburbs  I prefer  to  line  in  the  city  There 小 荷 作文网 www.zww.cnare different  kind of  shops  in the  city yoy  can buy the  things   you want  very  easily  When  you  go  out You can  take a  bus  or a subway  or eren  a thxi There are better   School in the city then in the sububs Althovgh  it is  and the v livngs  cost  in  higher  L like livngsin the city better

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