初一作文初一状物作文:I love the little white rat

初一作文初一状物作文:I love the little white rat,第1张

My grandpa keep a little mice, it is very lively, active. I think you must want to know the origin of it, then listen to me said slowly.   The little white rat is grandpa bought from the market. It is very greedy. Because every time I put the food into the cage, it will bring the food eaten immediately. Sometimes I also put his hand into the cage, the little white rat think my hand is food, even my hand also want to bite, but I put his hand out in time, otherwise I hand became its square meal the. 小荷作文网 www.zww.cn  Full of small mice began to play. FROM "dbo". "sysobjects", cage, and then jump, jump jumped off a endless, finally it along the cage climbed up to the top, with the foot caught the wires of the cage, and then to a "cry for the moon". I and my grandpa looked at it, laugh too we are going to fall.   Mice don't make, because it is tired, sleepy, to sleep. It roll up yourself, and then the head is all shrinkage in the body below, only show his two closed eyes.   I really love it, cute little white rat.

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