

  A person's success  
  One's success, the key lies in his mind. Mentality good, can make the person with positive state to face all kinds of things; Mentality is bad, can make the person not flagging, everything negative. Say so, who will dominate the success or failure of the mind.   小荷作文网 www.zww.cn
  To succeed, there must be a sunshine state of mind. This needs in daily life constantly let oneself become active up, a sunlight heart and will let their about all sorts of things have a positive view, will make oneself heart the seamy side of become less. Also will give others a very good impression, if always see the negative aspects of life, because a small and others big at loggerheads. It must be a not a living person, really will life of the people. Will allow you to be cheerful, warm, open-minded, magnanimous, the only way to be successful.   小 荷 作文网 www.zww.cn
  Despite the sunny soul, but in life will inevitably encounter some problems. This time must say "I can do", don't say "I can". He must learn to find positive to negative, where everyone can be your best moment to memorize a song  
  The famous master of Chinese ZhaiHongShen said: "actively people go to where, people like, negative people will face because he broke feng shui, so, don't do atmosphere and emotional polluters." This is linked to communicate, a negative people will put his bad mood to others that are very difficult to accept. Student of Confucius, unfortunately has two big advantages: 1. No two over 2. Don't offend. Don't shoot is often a person has the tutelage of performance. May be one person to provoke the you angry, but don't turn their anger on another person, otherwise, it will be others despise. You have no untoward, must let oneself to calm down, change perspective has, transfer your bad mood, then, finding a solution to the problem. Don't like flies spread everywhere negative emotions let others go to bother. Must from the positive aspects, make a let oneself happy, also let others happy things.

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