初二作文初二议论作文:How to Pass an Exam(如何通过考试)

初二作文初二议论作文:How to Pass an Exam(如何通过考试),第1张

 A good way to pass an exam is to workhard every day ang go over your lessons in time.You may fail in the exam if you are lazy for a few days befre the exam.To get up and go to bed early will help to keep you full of energy.So you would better not stay up to go over your lessons.When taking the exam,be sure to read the paper carefully.try to grasp the exact meaning ofeach question.When you have finished the paper,check the answers,correct any mistakesyou can find and make surethat you have not missed out anything译文  
         如何通过考试   小荷作文网 www.zww.cn
  通过考试的一个好方法是每天努力学习并且及时复习功课.如果你一年中大部分时间都很懒惰,而只是在考试前的一段时间努力学习,那么你可能会在考试中失败.早起早睡将会有助你保持充沛的精力.所以你最好不要熬夜去复习功课.当你考试时,一定要认真地阅读试卷,努力领悟每个问题的准确意思.当你做完后,要检查答案,改正你所发现的任何错误,并且确保你没有漏掉任何东西   小 荷 作文网 www.zww.cn

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